Category: Uncategorized

  • 5. School of Rap

    I recently published my first article on Broke Ass Stuart. This blog entry is mostly stuff that didn’t make it on the final version of the article. I still wanted to share it, though. While you have to give up some of your original content when you write on other platforms, I can put whatever…

  • 4. Machine Un-Learning

    Non-sociopathic humans have gut feelings of right & wrong. Instinct is part of the human experience, even if it compels individuals to act in different ways. Sometimes we just know that something is wrong, but we can’t articulate why. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this. It becomes a problem when we think we can build…

  • 3. This is Your Brain on Judo

    I wanted to submit the following piece to Clinch, but I was late by a day. They told me to maybe try again in June. I spent quite a bit of time on it, so I wanted to share it. It’s a semi-autobiographic (i.e. edited for clarity and humor) account of my introduction to martial…

  • 2. How to Be Yourself Around Others

    This past Friday, we celebrated a birthday with pizzas and a fire pit. I met many new friends around the crackling embers that night. It turns out we were all in similar life boats after our social lives hit the COVID-19 iceberg. Many of us had similar stories of college-fueled extraversion turned to quarantine-necessitated introversion.…

  • 1. The Dangers of a Life Unscripted

    I recently finished Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink. It’s a great book that explores the psychology of what, how, and why we eat. While I was reading this book, I was listening to Cal Newport’s most recent interview with Tim Ferriss. I couldn’t help but notice a parallel in these two seemingly disparate sources—and it’s…

  • 0. The Beginning

    In the beginning, there was a scrappy site coded from scratch. I was proud of it, but it wasn’t the best way to show my ideas to the world. It took too much time to code, and I wasn’t getting to do the creative work I wanted to do. So, I decided to make the…